Learn how to add the Inclusiveness Analyzer extension to your Azure DevOps Organization and benefit from the automated detection of non-inclusive terms that could make their way into your application and your docs.

How it works

This Azure DevOps extension provides a build task that you can add in your build definition. You’ll benefit from the automated detection of non-inclusive terms that could make their way into your application and your docs.

Install Inclusiveness Analyzer

Screenshot showing install page with Get it free button clicked.

  • Select your organisation from the list and select Install

Screenshot showing install page with Get it free button clicked.

Add Inclusive Analyzer task to your build pipeline

Once you have installed the extension in your organization you can use it in any of the organization’s Build pipelines.

  • In your Azure DevOps project browse to Pipelines and either add or edit a Pipeline.
  • Search for Inclusiveness Analyzer from the Tasks pane on the right.
  • Customize the options if needed and select Add

Screenshot showing Inclusiveness Analyzer being added to a build.

  • Run the pipeline and view the output generated by the Inclusiveness Analyzer step.

Screenshot showing Inclusiveness Analyzer warning of the work blacklist being used.

Task control options

Use the options below to configure exclusions and build state when non-inclusive terms are found in the repository.


Status of the build when non-inclusive terms are found.


  • warning (Default) - Build completes with a warning state.
  • failed - Breaks the build if non-inclusive terms are found.
  • success - Build completes successfully


If true (Default) limits the scan to files changed in the latest commit. If false a full scan is run on each commit.

The git checkout step needs to have at least ‘with: fetch-depth: 2’ configured.


Comma separated list of file patterns to exclude from analysis. Glob patterns are supported with a prefix of **/

Eg. **/skipme.txt,**/donotscan/*


Comma separated list of non-inclusive terms to exclude from analysis.

Eg. he,she