Inclusiveness Analyzer Logo

Let's make our code inclusive!

Available as a GitHub Action, Azure DevOps extension, Visual Studio extension and a nuget package.


What is inclusiveness analyzer?

As humans, we hold many unconscious and implicit biases that we rely on to react quickly to our environment and any novel stimuli. However, since the unconscious brain processes and reacts with speed, we sometimes speak quickly without thinking, which may cause us to slip offensive terms and stereotypes although we mean no malice.

In order to confront these biases that we see in ourselves and others, we must rewire ourselves to regularly use inclusive practices (such as the words we speak). If you don't intentionally and proactively include, you will unintentionally exclude.

Join our effort to push out exclusive terms and make inclusive terms a part of our everyday vocabulary!

Inclusiveness Analyzer for GitHub

The GitHub version of the Inclusiveness Analyzer allows for any repository in GitHub to be checked for exclusive language. This action will also provide context for why language is exclusive while providing more inclusive alternatives.

View the install guide to get started.


Inclusiveness Analyzer for Azure DevOps

The Azure DevOps extension allows for your DevOps repos to also be checked for exclusive language!

View the install guide to get started.


Inclusiveness Analyzer NuGet package

The NuGet package gives users the option to add the Inclusiveness Analyzer to any C# project. The extension will be automatically loaded in Visual Studio for anyone that opens your project. Using the NuGet package is best when you are working on a project with a team.

View the install guide to get started.

Nuget install Screenshot

Inclusiveness Analyzer for Visual Studio 2022

If you would like the Inclusiveness Analyzer to run on any Visual Studio C# project you can install the extension directly into Visual Studio. This version of the extension works with Visual Studio 2022.

View the install guide to get started.

VS2022 install Screenshot

Inclusiveness Analyzer for Visual Studio 2019

This is the extension for the 2019 version of the Inclusiveness Analyzer for Visual Studio. View the install guide for 2019 compatability with Visual Studio!

View the install guide to get started.

VS 2019 install Screenshot
Jim James

Inclusiveness Analyzer allowed us to find out areas of our code that we could make more inclusive.

Jim James - Developer at Global Corp.

Make your code inclusive today